Building better organisational strategy through anticipating the future

Identifying, supporting and engaging leaders with organisational planning and analysis will increase the throughput of executed ideas, improve financial performance and generate lasting resiliency and performance. A workforce strategy developed this way using practices from organisation design and strategic workforce planning addresses any risk of misalignment between the purpose, structure, size and shape of your organisation and your workforce.

Workforce Insight will assess, analyse and incorporate insights from the drivers of your operating model as a basis for an effective strategic planning process that will save you time and money by ensuring that everyone is on the same page at the start of your endeavour.

Our methodology and approach focuses on the following key areas:


  • Conduct an extensive scoping exercise with project stakeholders; agree detailed scope items and delivery model. This serves as project initiation.
  • Agree governance and schedules
  • Review strategy, business plans, examine organisation drivers, review recent enterprise level operating model shifts and business performance targets, commission critical datasets.
  • Engage with key stakeholders across the integrated operational system including delivery partners

Types of services: diagnostics, retained services for organisation design and workforce strategy, mentoring, fee based consulting and surveys

Current State:

  • Assess the current state ‘as is’ operating model, performance, projects, workforce dynamics and resourcing.
  • Work with Board, executive and SMEs define and prioritise the critical issues and objectives of the organisation and the requirements for its future workforce
  • Commission and build internal and external organisational data and profiles
  • Scan, gather, construct, and analyse workforce related information such as organisation structure, units, and workforce data to produce viable working model of current state workforce
  • Diagnose capability and architecture gaps

Types of services: organisational capability reviews, people analytics services, business case development, strategic workforce planning projects, organisation design projects, operational reviews, re-structures, workforce model development

Future State:

  • Using design principles and data insights, develop the future workforce strategy, size and shape in collaboration with stakeholders partners so that the preferred option is a derived and shared outcome.
  • Conduct separate process design
  • Document strategic capabilities required to deliver on the requirements
  • Test and validate the future workforce state against the criteria and the demand/supply analysis

Types of services: Strategic workforce planning projects, Organisation design projects, Operating model design projects, facilitated strategic planning.

Options and Governance:

  • Develop options
  • Review the expected impact of any workforce strategy to current workforce.
  • Validate through workshops with executive stakeholders, and senior leadership group.
  • Engage with other stakeholders such as communications and change
  • Prepare decision process for executive agreement.

Types of services: Strategic workforce planning projects, Organisation design projects, Operating model design projects, SWP governance design.

Implementation Roadmap:

  • Develop high level workforce transition strategy between current state and future state.
  • Develop guidance, recommendations, and draft program for way forward.
  • Identify organisational enablers, resources, operating governance, and capabilities to support
    implementation of future state operating model.
  • Support HR with practical data analysis, structures, integration and develop to support transition.
  • Design and development of high-level implementation strategy and roadmap

Types of services: Strategic workforce planning projects, Organisation design projects, Operating model design projects, implementation support, retained services to provide capability, monitoring and tracking.

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